Teachers for Tomorrow

Discover your hidden talent for teaching

An introductory course designed to increase students’ interest in the teaching profession

A partnership between the Division of Teacher Education at Bob Jones University and Christian Schools

Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher?

Maybe you enjoy working with kids, but have always wondered what it would be like to be a teacher? This course is designed to increase your exposure to teaching and build a foundation for further study in the field of teacher education. 

As a student in this program, you will learn about:
Teacher Characteristics
Classroom Organization
Teacher/Student Relationships

You will also participate in field experiences that involve observing and assisting professional K-12 teachers.

See how Teachers for Tomorrow can help you!

Download this infographic to see how Teachers for Tomorrow can help you as you prepare to make decsions about college.

Download the Infographic
Christina Miller
Faculty Member, Division of Teacher Education, School of Education & Human Services

“Teachers are influencers. Christian teachers influence with eternity in mind.”

Listen as Mrs. Miller shares about the opportunities teachers have to influence the next generation.

What students are saying...

Questions & Answers

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about Teachers for Tomorrow.

What is the Teachers for Tomorrow program?

The Teachers for Tomorrow program is a partnership between the Division of Teacher Education at Bob Jones University and Christian Schools. The purpose of the program is to encourage junior and senior high school students to learn more about the teaching profession and to encourage them to prayerfully consider a future career in the classroom.

What does a typical week of work look like in the Teachers for Tomorrow program?

During each two-week module you will be introduced to a new topic in the field of education through highly engaging lessons and practical activities. These lessons include interviews with experts and thought-provoking learning checks. You will demonstrate your understanding via rewarding, small-group discussions, hands-on projects, and a weekly reflection form about what you have learned in both the online lessons and from your mentor teacher.

Will I receive high school credit for being a part of the Teachers for Tomorrow program?

Each Christian school will determine the amount of elective high school credit that will be awarded for participation in the Teachers for Tomorrow program. Talk with your administrator about options for dual credit.

How can I receive optional college credit for being enrolled in the Teachers for Tomorrow program?

Students involved in the Teachers for Tomorrow may register for optional dual credit. Registration materials will be provided during the second semester of the program. Students who successfully complete the Teachers for Tomorrow program are eligible to receive credit for Ed 100 Introduction to Education from Bob Jones University. A $50 processing fee will apply.

Who will be presenting the content in the Teachers for Tomorrow curriculum?

Two faculty hosts from the Division of Teacher Education will guide students through interviews with leaders in the field of Christian Education—Christian School educators, authors, professors and more.

What are the weekly topics that will be covered in the Teachers for Tomorrow curriculum?

During each module, you will learn about a different topic in the field of education. A complete list of the topics is included here.

How does the field experience component of the Teachers for Tomorrow program work?

You will be assigned to a classroom teacher at your Christian school as a teacher’s aide. You should plan to work with your teacher for a minimum of two class periods each week of the program. You may request to have multiple assignments throughout the school year in order to get experience with different grade levels and subject areas. The field experience at the individual Christian school will be assigned by the Teacher for Tomorrow’s program Mentor Teacher.

How can I sign up for the Teachers for Tomorrow program?

Talk with your Christian school administrator about your interest in being involved in the Teachers for Tomorrow program. Send them to this link and ask your administrator to complete the request for more information.


Talk to your school's administrator by sharing this page with them.